Reasons why I love Colombia

del año.Como extranjera y expatriada no he sido más que bendecida con los recuerdos más asombrosos de Colombia, su belleza natural y por supuesto, su gente hermosa.
Entonces,ponte en mi lugar por un tiempo y mira a Colombia a través de mis ojos con este hermoso libro que contiene 365 recordatorios de lo que es el amor.
This short but powerful book speaks volumes of how wonderful, incredible, amazing and loving Colombians are. The title of the book carries a great deal of meaning to me. The numbers 143 signify ' I love you' while the numbers 365 represent each day of the year. 143Colombia365 means I love you Colombia, 365 days a year. As a foreigner and expat I have been nothing but blessed with the most amazing memories of Colombia, its natural beauty and of course its beautiful people. So,put yourself in my shoes for a while and see Colombia through my eyes with this beautiful book which is filled with 365 reminders of what love is all about. leer todo...

Skylar ' Stelita ' Darrigan
Espero escuchar grandes historias y comentarios de todos ustedes. ¡Amor y luz!
Good day everyone. I am so happy to be on this platform and to be able to share my beautiful experiences with you. I am originally from Cape Town, South Africa. I arrived in Colombia about a year and a half ago and it is here that I have written a very simple yet powerful book about love. I hope to hear great stories and feedback from you all. Love and light! leer todo...