Art, Life and Love

This book describes the artist, his life and many loves, offering a human and comprehensive picture of a man whose impact on thousands has left an indelible mark .Frank Preuss, the consummate artist, teacher, friend and family man is an example of how -- by living life intensely, absorbing and creating art, and loving people -- we can free ourselves from restraints and fulfill our dreams. The freedom to be who we truly are will allow us to feel that we can contribute to the necessary changes in ourselves, and in the world around us. Simply put, Frank Preuss has shown through his music, life and example that love?of music, people, places, cherished moments--is the true essence of art. leer todo...

William Schutmaat Loew
William Schutmaat estudió Literatura en la Universidad de Michigan y se licenció en Literatura Comparada por el Eckerd College. Es periodista y editor para publicaciones internacionales, traductor literario y activo en el campo de la educación a varios niveles, incluido el de Rector de universidad.
Entre los libros del autor figuran:
Guanahani: La isla perdida
Amor y Guerra en la Amazonia
Frank Preuss: Arte, vida y amor
Los lugares que nos vieron crecer
Reforma educativa en una sociedad pluralista.