The Places That Saw Us Grow
Notable Stories of the Musical Schutmaat Family

to their new home in a Caribbean paradise, building tree houses and sailing the seas on homemade boats, the Schutmaat family steadily grows in number as does the family ensemble which is soon recognized, in the words of music critic Moonie Attie, as "one of the most remarkable concentrations of talent under a single name I have ever heard." The Schutmaat brothers recount tales that describe what it was like to be raised by musician-educator-missionary parents in the many places that saw them grow as people who have often viewed the world from different perspectives, and with varying interpretations of what many consider to be the "purpose of life." The pains and pleasures of growth are explored and shared in these anecdotes compiled by the Schutmaat brothers who after having lived together as a close- knit family of nine for many years, scattered to the four winds, and yet remain together, bound by a common past. leer todo...

William Schutmaat Loew
William Schutmaat estudió Literatura en la Universidad de Michigan y se licenció en Literatura Comparada por el Eckerd College. Es periodista y editor para publicaciones internacionales, traductor literario y activo en el campo de la educación a varios niveles, incluido el de Rector de universidad.
Entre los libros del autor figuran:
Guanahani: La isla perdida
Amor y Guerra en la Amazonia
Frank Preuss: Arte, vida y amor
Los lugares que nos vieron crecer
Reforma educativa en una sociedad pluralista.