JONATHAN44, version ingles

There is a deep web of lies, betrayal and revenge

UYU$ 679,10
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Deep-net mafias exist and cause a lot of harm to third parties... This sign of zeros and ones, circulates freely on the highway of internet communication... The history of Jonathan44 demonstrates only in part, as far as these same actors let themselves penetrate the innermost places of the digital landscape. The demonstrations of how far people can go, placing something more precious than money, surpasses the imagination of any author, only the facts speak for themselves and demonstrate, that the depth of the novel and the near future that is expected on social networks. But without needing to detract, the positive aspects of each of them stand out the fact that in the depths of that same computational system, a wide spectrum of human beings is corroded, as if we were speaking once of the streets of the destruction of the cities... leer todo...

edición del autor
impreso bajo demanda
año edición
n° edición
n° páginas
14 x 21 cm (con solapa)
Papel Blanco 75 Grs
Blanco y Negro
Jose Tabares

Me considero un escritor por convicción, novel... Prestado y formado en el ámbito de la ingeniería de sistemas y programación, Tratando de contextualizar muchos escritos que se quedaron en el tintero en mí juventud. Mis autores preferidos son: Gabriel García Márquez, José Saramago, Franz Kafka, Pablo Neruda, Julio Cortázar… Mis géneros preferidos son: ciencia ficción, cuento, relato corto, novela….

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