Alfredo Jiménez López

Alfredo Jiménez López


Colombia » Atlántico » Barranquilla

Alfredo Jiménez López

I confess that I have read

US$ 11,90

Almost 40 years ago, I began to keep a monthly record of the books I read, and I thought that it would be interesting to analyze this list, to see how my readings have been changing in the different stages of my life.

As I was progressing in the analysis
of this list, I realized that a potential book was taking shape. I began incorporating other related aspects, such as how I pick the books I read, what´s the best time of the day to read and things like that, and it became clearer that I had a book in my hands.

This book that you are about to read is, by definition, a book about books, about those that have given me pleasure, that I have read with admiration, or that have marked me for some reason. And it is also a book about authors, those who have touched me with a single book, and those who have become dear travel companions.

Throughout these pages, it has emerged clearly what my relationship with reading has been for as long as I can remember. It is a love that has grown, that I have worked hard to cultivate, and that has been fundamental in my development and in who I am today as a person. I can also add without exaggeration that the noble exercise of this activity has also given me many beautiful moments in my life.
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US$ 8,70

Este libro es una recopilación parcial de poemas escritos por Javier Jiménez