Life of our ancestors

As long as the expendable people continue to do their job, the essential ones will continue to be the heroes... The fictional life of the protagonist will give the important brushstrokes to the development of the untold tale. You have never wondered why your ancestors are so similar to you. Why do they say that life is cyclical? Reading this short story will teach you why expendables end up being more important than heroes...

Jose Tabares
Me considero un escritor por convicción, novel... Prestado y formado en el ámbito de la ingeniería de sistemas y programación, Tratando de contextualizar muchos escritos que se quedaron en el tintero en mí juventud. Mis autores preferidos son: Gabriel García Márquez, José Saramago, Franz Kafka, Pablo Neruda, Julio Cortázar… Mis géneros preferidos son: ciencia ficción, cuento, relato corto, novela….