Marco Vinicio Rivera Martinez

Marco Vinicio Rivera Martinez


Costa Rica » Heredia » Barva

Marco Vinicio Rivera Martinez

¿Cómo desarrllar MUSCULOS de Acero?

US$ 16,00

Este es un libro de ejercicios sin pesas para desarrollar su musculatura y acondicionamiento físico, utilizando el método Dynamic Press, es decir presión dinámica. Son ejercicios que usted puede hacer en su casa, sin importar su edad, siempre y cuando obtenga un visto bueno de su médico. El desarrollo muscular depende del tiempo que dedique a esta actividad y de la alimentación que aunado con su disciplina para realizar los ejercicios le conducirían a tener una poderosa musculatura.

¿How to Develop MUSCLES of Steel?

US$ 15,30

Exercises PRESSURE DYNAMIC method are self-regulatory pressure and have set limits in advance for your time and effort. Since their own muscles determine the effort that can be applied, there is no danger when lifting a weight too large or improperly use any device or equipment.
Any exercise in this method
can be practiced by people of both sexes from adolescence to middle age.
If you could choose a car that offer for a small daily effort that does a clunker or choose a gleaming Mercedes?
Well you can have a body "Mercedes" if you are willing to this small daily effort.
If this is your first attempt to follow a system of muscle development, let me congratulate you, because this method has been carefully designed to give you everything you need to know and do to build a powerful muscles without using weights or equipment.
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